Gil Yardeni, PhD
2016-2022: PhD student, University of Vienna, Austria.
Thesis: Phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary history of Tillandsia, a species-rich genus of Bromeliaceae
Supervisors: Ovidiu Paun, co-supervisors Christian Lexer and Thibault Leroy
Reviwers and/or examiners: Clarisse Palma da Silva, Norman Wickett, Oleg Simakov.
2015: MSc, Sapir Lab, Department of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Thesis: Does local adaptation drive speciation? The influence of geographical distance and ecological distance on reproductive isolatiom in Oncocyclus irises.
2012: BSc in Life Sciences, Institute of Life Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
I am interested in the drivers of adaptive divergence and radiation in neotropical plants, with special emphasis on Bromeliaceae (bromeliads, pineapple family). With the use of genomic data, my PhD project explores processes of isolation by distance (IBD), isolation by ecology (IBE) and the role of key innovations and variation in reproductive systems as drivers of reproductive isolation.
Yardeni G, Viruel J, Paris M, Hess J, Groot Crego C, de La Harpe M, Rivera N, Barfuss MHJ, Till W, Guzman-Jacob V, Kroemer T, Lexer C*, Paun O*, Leroy T*. 2021. Taxon-specific or universal? Using target capture to study the evolutionary history of a rapid radiation. Molecular Ecology Resources 22: 927-945. Pre-print: bioRxiv 2021.2005.2020.444989.
Yardeni G, Tessler N, Imbert E, Sapir Y. 2016. Reproductive isolation between populations of Iris atropurpurea is associated with ecological differentiation. Annals of Botany 118: 971-982.
Conference contributions
Yardeni G, Paun O, Groot Crego C, Barfuss MJH, Till W, Leroy T. 2022. Rapid radiation characterized by prevalent hybridization in the Neotropical genus Tillandsia. ESEB 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-19 Aug 2022 [oral presentation].
Yardeni G, Viruel J, Paris M, Hess J, Crego Groot C, de la Harpe M, Rivera N, Barfuss MHJ, Till W, Guzman-Jacob V, Kroemer T, Lexer C, Paun O, Leroy T. 2021. Taxon-specific or universal? Using target capture to study the evolutionary history of rapid radiations. Young Systematists' Forum 2021, NHM London, UK (virtual), 19 November 2021 [oral presentation]. -> Awarded 3rd Prize for a Botanical+ Talk by the Systematics Association.
Yardeni G, de la Harpe M, Barfuss M, Till W, Crego Groot C, Rivera N, Viruel J, Paris M, Hess J, Kroemer T, Lexer C, Paun O, Leroy T. 2021. Custom-made or universal? The use of target capture to bridge macro- and microevolutionary processes in tillandsioid bromeliads (Tillandsia spp), a Neotropical rapid radiation. Botany 2021, USA (virtual), 18-23 July 2021 [poster presentation].
Yardeni G, Hess J, de La Harpe M, Barfuss M, Viruel J, Paris M, Groot Crego C, Till W, Leroy T, Paun O, Lexer C. A target capture approach for exploring the drivers and constraints of adaptive radiation in tillandsioid bromeliads (Tillandsia spp), a highly diverse neotropical plant group. Population Genetics Group 53, Leicester, UK 5-8 January 2020 [oral presentation].
Yardeni G, Hess J, Barfuss M, Paris M, Kroemer T, Kessler M, Till W, Lexer C. Towards understanding the genomic substrate of diversification in Tillandsia subgenus Tillandsia. 6th International Conference on the Comparative Biology of Monocotyledons, Natal, Brazil, October 7th-12th, 2018 [oral presentation].