Mimmi Eriksson, MSc PhD

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Biographical information

2018-2022: PhD student, University of Vienna and Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics, Austria.

Thesis: Rinse and repeat: genome dynamics following repeated allopolyploidzation in marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza)

Supervisors: Ovidiu Paun, Robert Kofler, Andreas Futschik

Reviewers and/or examiners: Malika Ainouche, Annaliese Mason, Ortrun Mittelsten Scheid

2015-2017: MSc in Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thesis: Characterizing the genetic load in Capsella bursa-pastoris across its range.

2012-2015: BSc in Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thesis: Epidemiological modelling of the PDV epizootic in Harbour seals.

I first started to study biology due to an interest in conservation biology, therefore, this was the focus of my studies towards my bachelor’s degree. All throughout my studies I found population genetics and population dynamics to be fascinating and when I began my master’s degree I choose to focus on population genomics and evolution. I have undertaken both my bachelor's and master's degree at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, where I graduated in June 2017. For my master thesis I collaborated with Uppsala University, Sweden, and had Prof. Martin Lascoux, as my supervisor. I used the allotetraploid weed Capsella bursa-pastoris to investigate the accumulation of deleterious alleles across the species range. The aims were to test whether the two ancestral genomes differed in this respect and if the accumulation could be explained by a recent range expansion.  

During my PhD at the University of Vienna I will study the role of transposable elements (TE) in local adaptation after whole genome duplication (WGD). The orchid genus Dactylorhiza will be used as a study system due to the possibility to investigate arrays of sibling, but ecologically-divergent allopolyploids. First, the difference in relative abundance of classes and subclasses of TEs will be evaluated using low-coverage whole genome sequencing across allopolyploids of different ages, together with representatives of their diploid parents. This is expected to provide information on the TEs dynamics through time after allopolyploidization. Further work will test the relevance of these dynamics for the ecological divergence of the polyploids, focusing on the regulatory influence of TEs on neighbouring genomic regions.


Eriksson MC, Mandakova T, McCann J, Temsch EM, Chase MW, Hedren M, Weiss-Schneeweiss H, Paun O. 2022. Repeat dynamics across timescales: a perspective from sibling allotetraploid marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l). Molecular Biology and Evolution in press.

Eriksson M, Szukala A, Tian B, Paun O. 2020. Current research frontiers in Plant Epigenetics: an introduction to a Virtual Issue. New Phytologist 226: 285-288.

Kryvokhyzha D, Salcedo A, Eriksson MC, et al. 2019. Parental legacy, demography, and admixture influenced the evolution of the two subgenomes of the tetraploid Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassicaceae). PLoS Genetics 15(2): e1007949.

Conference contributions

Eriksson M et al. 2020. Repetitive elements and early stages of polyploid evolution. 4th Uppsala Transposon Symposium, Sweden (virtual), 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2020 [oral presentation].

Eriksson M et al. 2020. Repetitive elements and early stages of polyploid evolution. Botany 2020, USA (virtual), 27-31 July 2020 [oral presentation].

Eriksson M et al. 2019. Genome dynamics and evolution after recurrent allopolyploidization in Dactylorhiza. Evolution meeting 2019, Providence, Rhode Island, US, June 2019 [oral presentation].

Eriksson M et al. 2019. Repeated allopolyploidization in Dactylorhiza. SMBE satellite meeting on "Identifying barriers to gene flow in the genome", Tjärnö, Sweden, June 2019 [flash talk].

Eriksson M et al. 2019. Transposable elements and early stages of polyploid evolution. A perspective from sibling allopolyploid marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza). The International Conference on Polyploidy, Ghent, Belgium, June 2019 [oral presentation].

Eriksson M et al. 2019. Genome dynamics after recurrent allopolyploidization and their ecological implications in Dactylorhiza. PopGroup52, Oxford, U.K., Jan 2019 [oral presentation].